David's Health Blueprint

Daily Routine

6:00 AM Turn on lights at full brightness to help set circadian rhythm
Rinse mouth with xylitol
Run outside a few miles. Early to avoid UV radiation.
Jumping for bone health
Red/infrared light therapy on entire body Link
8:00 AM Go outside in the sun a few minutes to set circadian rhythm
Drink one cup fermented beet kvass Link
Nitric Oxide Lozenge, Pneuma Nitric Oxide
Mix the following in a cup of water:
Dried peppermint leaves, 1 tbs
Dried spearmint leaves, 1 tbs
Dried oregano, marjoram, thyme, rosemary, basil, sage, 2 tbs
Psyllium husk powder, 1 tbs
Oligofructose enriched inulin, Prebiotin, 1 tbs
Parsley powder, 1/4 tsp
Ceylon cinnamon powder, 1/2 tsp
Pomegranate peel powder, 1/2 tsp
9:00 AM Breakfast
Shrimp with sunflower greens
Blend avocado, endive, radicchio, blackberries, cranberries, lime juice, water.
The prebiotic vegetables above are varied daily to create a diverse microbiome
Fermented macadamia nut yogurt
Macadamia nuts
Post meal routine:
Glycine powder, Now Foods, about 4 grams
Blood Vessel Formula, Gladdin Longevity, 1-2 ml
Set timer for 40 minutes
Brush teeth
Morning supplements:
Arterial Protect, Life Extension, 2 capsules
Aged Garlic Extract, Kyolic, 2 capsules
Annatto-E 300, Designs For Health, 1 capsules Link
Arterosil, Designs for Health, 1 capsule
Astaxanthin, Designs For Health, 1 capsule Link
Aswagandha, Tribe Organics, 1 capsule
Biotin 5mg, Allergy Research Group, 1 capsule
Black Cumin Seed Oil, Sports Nutrition, 1 capsule
Boron, Pure Encapsulations, 1 capsule
Broc Elite Plus, Mara Labs, 1 capsule
CocoaVia Cardio Health, 2 capsules
Cordyceps Mushrooms, Real Mushrooms, 1 capsule
Curcumin, Prodrome Sciences, 2 capsules
Five Defenders Mushrooms, Real Mushrooms, 1 capsule
Lithium, Pure Encapsulations, 1 capsule
Lycopene 10 mg, NOW Foods, 1 capsule
Perfect Amino, Body Health, 10 tablets
Pomegranate Plus, Pure Encapsulations, 1 capsule
Primal Multi, Designs for Health, 1 capsule
Super K, Life Extension, 1 capsule
Taurine, Designs For Health, 1 capsule
Tru Niagen Pro 300, ChromaDex, 1 capsule Link
Vitamin C Time Release 1000mg, Solary
Vitamin D3, Jarrow, 10000IU
11:30 AM Molecular hydrogen, one tablet in one cup of water
12:00 PM Lunch
Turn on range hood vent while cooking for air quality
Soup consisting of lentils, leeks, shallot, fennel, salmon, salt.
(Lentils are cooked in a pressure cooker to reduce lectins)
Mixed leafy greens
Walk 10-15 minutes to reduce glucose spike, increase insulin sensitivity, and reduce cortisol
Go outside in the sun for one minute to produce dopamine in the eyes to prevent myopia
Post meal routine:
Glycine powder, Now Foods, about 4 grams
Blood Vessel Formula, Gladdin Longevity, 1-2 ml
Set timer for 40 minutes
Brush teeth
4:30 PM Jump ten times for bone health
5:00 PM Dinner
Chicken, pearled sorghum, steamed asparagus
Consume a different vegetable every day for a diverse microbiome
Do not overeat. Put remaining food in a glass jar and vacuum seal for tomorrow
Walk 10-15 minutes to reduce glucose spike, increase insulin sensitivity, and reduce cortisol
Aged Garlic Extract, Kyolic, 2 capsules
Arterosil, Designs for Health, 1 capsule
Broc Elite Plus, Mara Labs, 1 capsule
Curcumin Phytosome, Thorne, 1 capsule
Magnesium Threonate, Dr. Mercola, 2 capsules
Nitric Oxide Lozenge, Pneuma Nitric Oxide
Primal Multi, Designs for Health, 1 capsule
Vitamin C Time Release 1000mg, Solary
Post meal routine:
Glycine powder, Now Foods, about 4 grams
Blood Vessel Formula, Gladdin Longevity, 1-2 ml
Set timer for 40 minutes
Brush teeth
Floss teeth
Tounge scraper
Hydro Floss with small amount of hydrogen peroxide
BasicBites for enamel health
8:00 PM Lights dimmed to prepare for sleep
Turn off computer
Put on tinted glasses
Read in dim light
9:00 PM If summer season then turn on air conditioner
10:00 PMGo to sleep

At every meal

Eat slowly, chew well, be in a parasympathetic state
Brush teeth 30-40 minutes after eating. 45-degree angle, make circles, be gentle, look at gums.

Post meal dental routine

Brush teeth using 45-degree angle, make circles, be gentle. Wait 30-40 minutes after eating
Brush tounge

Throughout the day

Stand at a standup desk as long as possible while working
Every half hour sprint 20 seconds
Maintain correct spine posture
Go outside a few minutes

When Outside

Avoid going outside if UV index > 1
If UV index higher then use mineral sunscreen, wide brim hat or UV umbrella
Practice intermittent hypoxic training
Look far away

Weekly Routine

Grounding on grass outside

Monthly Routine

Dehumidifier maintenance
Dust home very thoroughly

Quarterly Routine

Plasma dilution
VSEL stem cells
Ozone EBO2 Link
Check CPAP machine apnea-hypopnea index
Change toothbrush

Biyearly Routine

Go to dentist for teeth cleaning
Replace shower water filter
Replace whole house water filter
Replace kitchen water filter
HVAC service

Yearly Routine

Blood testing at Labcorp or Quest (No biotin for 4-7 days before test)
Stool occult blood immunoassay

Decade Routine

Heidelberg Hydrochloric Acid test

Occasional home tests

Weigh self on scale
Measure heart rate variability, use iPhone Welltory app
Measure VO2 max, use Apple watch
Measure urine pH strip test
Measure blood pressure
Nitric oxide strip test
Measure arterial pulse wave velocity on a Withings scale
Measure BOLT score (Body Oxygen Level Test)
Check humidity level of home
Test home for mold
Test drinking water and shower water for contaminants
Test home for radio frequency EMFs
Test home for magnetic field EMFs
Test home for electric field EMFs
Test home for dirty electricity EMFs

Occasional lab tests

Carotid Intima-Media Thickness (CIMT) Test
Genova Diagnostics, ION Panel
Prodrome Sciences, ProdromeScan
Genova Diagnostics, GI Effects Stool Profile
MyMycolab Mycotoxin Panel
Great Plains Labs, GPLTOX
Cyrex Array 10 - Food Immune Reactivity Screen
3D cone beam scan of jaws, treat any cavitations found

Occasional review

Review genetic data at PureGenomics Link
Review EWG water filter functionality Link
Review Bristle dental microbiome results Link
Review nutrition at cronometer.com


Polysomnography at a sleep lab
Kitchen water filter Link
Whole house water filter Link
Whole house air filter Link
Dehumidifier to prevent mold
Cookware from xtrema.com
Standing desk from varidesk.com
UV blocking screens over monitors to protect eyes from reticare.com
Cell phone permanently in airplane mode
Cell phone connected to Internet with ethernet adapter


No processed food
No canned foods
No trans fats, no fried foods, no margarine
No burned or blackened foods
No high-heat cooking
No high smoke point oils
Minimal fruit juice, instead consume whole fruit
No alcohol
No gluten
No industrial seed oils
No freshwater or farmed fish
Minimal flour / acellular carbohydrates
Minimal linoleic acid
Minimal lectins
Minimal oxalates
Minimal nightshades / aquaporins (spinach, potato)
Minimal protein powders
No whey protein powder
No fluoridated water
No carbonated water, harms teeth
Minimal caffeine
Minimal fructose
No high sugar fruits, berries are preferred
No grain and lectin fed chicken, no Whole Foods chicken
No meat that contains Neu5Gc. Only fermented meat
No A1 cow dairy. Only A2 goat or sheep dairy
No unfermented dairy
When cooking chicken use a thermometer to make sure it is 165°F
No chocolate with high heavy metals
No drinking water or liquids during meals
No plastic food containers or packaging
No Teflon or non-stick cookware
Minimal chemicals
Minimal heavy metals
Minimal drugs
Minimal antibiotics
Minimal IV antibiotics
Minimal NSAIDs
Minimal personal care products
No antiperspirant
No bright lights late at night
No EMFs, cordless phones, WIFI routers
Minimal x-rays and CT scans
Minimal TV
No dry cleaning, the chemicals cause Parkinsons disease
No living within 1000-2000 feet of a major freeway, for air quality
No carpet or vinyl floors, only hardwood floors
No gas stoves, use only electric
No fluorescent lights
No wearing shoes in the home
No scented products
No incense
No camping or contact with outdoor high grass to avoid Lyme disease
No inbound mouth breathing
No alcohol-baased mouthwash that kills oral bacteria which convert nitrate to nitrite
No metal dental implants, only ceramic zirconia
No very loud noise - this causes hearing loss
Careful of falling - common in older age
No antioxidants after exercise-induced oxidant production
No sexual relations with a person that does not provide STD blood test results
Close toilet lid before flushing
Do not store toothbrush or water flosser close to a toilet

Future Plans

NanoVi Link
Sauna with electrolytes
Oxygen hot tub
Grow all food in my own garden